Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Love - Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Now, I’m not a huge reader – I’ll be the first to admit – but over the summer I picked up Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I love the TV series so I thought why not try the book…? And I was SO pleasantly surprised!

This novel is a fun read! Perfect for summer because of the format of multiple short stories. Although the stories are short the plots are well develop and lend a hand into the very complex (yet easily understood) plots.

The idea behind Sherlock Holmes is very fascinating… It is the tales and adventures of Holmes told from the perspective of Dr. Watson. This unique point of view allows for an ongoing plot and for new facts to be connected without giving away the links and connection between events. However, by the end of each story Holmes has told Watson how he solved each mystery – and this is when it all becomes clear to Watson and the reader.

First - The Bad:
1. If you aren’t into mystery stories then you already know this isn’t for you!
2. If you don’t like older writing (not Shakespeare), this book probably isn’t for you. Although the language is, by no means difficult, it isn’t modern 2013 English its late 1800’s English.

Second – The Good:
1. The stories in this book are short (about 35-50 pages long), but are still interesting and you can become completely invested in the tale before the solution is uncovered!
2.The mysteries are unique and like nothing you’ll find in any other novel!
3. I am NOT a fan of Shakespeare writing (too old!) but this is easy to understand and flows nicely. Overall, this book is written well!

I would definitely recommend this book! 100% a buy!

Love, Peace & Purchase,

P.S. New posts will be available every Wednesday!

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